Cool Movie Player - Playlists - part 2

The fast creation of playlist and watching them was explained in the previous post.

Editing the Playlists

After we click on the "playlist button" from the bottom toolbar we have opened the below dialog:

We have displayed the list of all playlist names in the top list, and selecting one name, the bottom list with file is populated with the movie files that belong to the selected playlist.

We can add playlist by typing the name of a new playlist on the last row [type here to add], and the we have to add files to it. This is done in the second list called "Movies", and editing is done like in the previous configuration dialogs (type name to edit, type in the last row to ad new one, empty the row to be removed).

Changing the order of movies can be done by right-clicking on the movie and selecting the option from the popup menu (one row up and down, go to first or last row), shown in the above image.

After we finished editing we click on the "OK" button to record changes.

See more:

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